Category Archives - Motoring Advice

Last Updated August 9, 2022

Insuring a Fleet of Cars – FAQ

May 1, 2019 - No Comments

Fleet insurance is an extremely useful type of cover that’s used for insuring multiple vehicles. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about fleet insurance. Is fleet insurance only suitable for businesses? Not at all. If you have a large family that has 3 or more cars then you can benefit from getting family fleet insurance, or mini fleet insurance as it’s sometimes called. This enables you to insure all your family vehicles together under one easy-to-manage policy. Family fleet insurance is also a very good way for younger drivers to get cover that they might not be able to afford otherwise. What are the advantages of fleet insurance? Fleet insurance comes with a few key advantages over insuring vehicles separately. These include – It’s more convenient – There’s no doubt that dealing with one policy is much simpler than dealing with separate ones for each vehicle you want to insure. Convenience is always good but especially so for business owners. It’s cheaper – Fleet insurance very often works out cheaper than getting individual policies for your vehicles. Many people are looking for ways to save on car insurance now, especially since it’s become so expensive in recent years and fleet insurance provides one of the best ways to do this. Insure multiple vehicle types – This is extremely useful for businesses such as taxi firms that need to insure a mixture of vehicle types such as cars and minibuses. Where can I get fleet insurance? There are many places you can find fleet insurance online. It’s usually a good idea to use an insurance comparison service such as that enables you to get quotes from different providers very easily. You can also contact insurance providers separately by phone but this of course takes longer and can often come with a hard sell. What are some good ways to save money? Below are some very good ways to save money on fleet insurance – Pay for the policy upfront – Paying for a fleet policy annually rather than monthly is an excellent way to save money on …

Working as a Freelance Recovery Truck Driver

April 14, 2019 - No Comments

With the job market being as competitive and unstable as it is right now, a lot of people are looking for ways to make their own money. There are many freelance career options available but if you enjoy driving and like doing physical work then becoming a freelance recovery truck driver could be the perfect choice for you. Below are some of the main practical considerations of becoming a freelance recovery truck driver. Getting a recovery truck The first and most obvious step is getting a recovery truck. There are many sites that you can buy used recovery trucks, with eBay and AutoTrader being two obvious ones. Recovery trucks can range quite a lot in price depending on their age and how many cars they can hold. If you’re just starting out then it’s better to buy at the lower end of the market. You can always upgrade later when you’re sure you’ve got plenty of work. Finding customers Finding customers is one of the trickiest parts of working in any kind of freelance capacity. There are websites where you can find driving work but they’re generally competitive and you’ll have to bid low in order to win the job a lot of the time. As with any type of work, your aim should be to build loyalty and get repeat business. Getting cover When you have a recovery truck, you’ll need to get it covered with a recovery truck insurance policy. You can get recovery truck insurance quotes from an truck insurance comparison site like Clean Green Cars Recovery Truck Cover Below are some of the main types of cover typically found in a recovery truck insurance policy – Road risks – Road risks are a vital part of insurance for any type of vehicle. You can choose from the usual options of third party; third party, fire and theft; or fully comprehensive cover. Public liability – Cover for liability claims is a must when you’re working with the public. With public liability insurance you’ll be covered for liability claims and can also have legal expenses included. Loss of…

A Minibus Buyer’s Guide

July 30, 2017 - No Comments

Buying your first minibus can be fairly daunting. There are many vehicles to choose from and if you’re not entirely certainly what you want then it’s easy to get stuck with a vehicle that’s not right for you. To help you make the right choice, below is a full guide to buying your first minibus. Choosing the right vehicle The most important part of buying a minibus is that you get the right vehicle for your needs and budget. Below are some of the most important things to take into account. Size – The size of the minibus is extremely important. Since they can vary so much, you should think about what you’ll be using your minibus for and how many seats/how much space you’ll need. You should also think about whether it has a wheelchair access ramp. This is particularly important if you’ll be using your minibus for charitable reasons. Price – Price is of course another important consideration. You should think about what you have to spend and try to get the best vehicle possible. Depending on how much you have, it might be better to buy used rather than new. Although you can spread the cost if you want to opt for a more expensive, brand new minibus. Condition – The condition of the vehicle is also very important. As well as inspecting any vehicles for superficial damage to the body, you should also look under the hood for any major problems. It’s always a good idea to bring somebody with you if you don’t know what to look for yourself. Getting the right cover Once you have your minibus, you’ll need to get it insured. A standard car insurance policy is not enough when you own a minibus so you’ll need to get minibus insurance from a specialist provider. There are many places you can find minibus insurance online,  including from a site such as Insure Minibus. Getting a lot of quotes is one of the best ways you can save money on minibus insurance so it’s always worth doing.…

Motorhome Buyer’s Guide

May 3, 2017 - No Comments

If you’re thinking of buying your first motorhome then you want to know exactly how to go about it. There are certain key things to consider, such as where to buy, what model to get and where to find insurance. The guide below should help a great deal. Where to buy When buying a motorhome, the main decision you have to make is whether you’ll buy new or used. Obviously a brand new motorhome will cost a lot more than a used one and not everyone can afford this option. If you do decide to buy used, as many first-time buyers do, then below are some of the most obvious sites to find used motorhomes – eBay AutoTrader Gumtree If you do buy used, it’s a good idea to take somebody with you who knows about motorhomes, or just vehicles in general, so they know the most important things to check. Things to consider Below are some of the most important things to consider when buying a new motorhome. Size – Size is always an extremely important consideration when buying a motorhome. It’s important to think about what’s most important to you – features or space. This is because the more there is of one the less they’ll be of the other. Budget – Your budget is obviously going to play a big role in the type of motorhome you’re able to get. Although you’ll have the option to spread the cost if you buy from a garage, you should think carefully about your finances and consider the long-term running costs as well as the initial cost for the motorhome itself. Layout – Layout is another important consideration when buying a motorhome. The layout can be very different from one motorhome to the next since everybody has different wants and needs. Think about how you plan to use your motorhome and make your decision accordingly. Getting insurance Once you have your motorhome, you’ll then need to get it insured for risks such as accidents, theft and vandalism. In order to get the best price for motorhome insurance you’ll want to…

What Does it Take To Become a London Black Cab Driver?

April 19, 2017 - No Comments

When most people think of London they picture iconic images that are associated with the capital – Westminster, The London Eye, Tower Bridge etc. Black cabs fit into this category for sure. The UK’s capital is full of the classic black cabs that have changed very little in design since the 60s. If you’ve ever thought about becoming a black cab driver in London then below are the requirements you need to meet. Requirements The most obvious thing you need in order to drive a black cab in London is a taxi driver licence. In order to apply for a licence, you need to meet the following criteria – You must be at least 18 years old  (Although you can apply for a taxi driver licence from the age of 18, you cannot actually be licensed to work until the age of 21. There is no upper age limit providing you’re physically fit enough to work.) You must hold a full UK or EU driving licence You must be eligible to work in the UK Above are only the most basic requirements you need to meet in order to apply for a licence. You must also pass a strict medical test, have no major convictions and be of good character. Click here for full details on the requirements for becoming a London black cab driver. Other practical considerations If you’re eligible to apply for a taxi driver licence and confident you can attain it then you must then consider the practical considerations of the job. These include – Insurance – Insurance is something that every London black cab driver needs to take care of. A black cab insurance policy will typically include cover for road risks, liability claims and breakdowns. Insurance for black cabs can be highly tailored to suit the needs of the individual so if you decide you want additional cover for things like windscreen repair then this can also be added. Fuel costs – Fuel costs are another consideration and something you should take into account when thinking about how much money you can earn in a…

Ways You Can Make Money With Your Own Van

April 5, 2017 - No Comments

Vans are an extremely common site on UK roads. If you’ve ever considered investing in a van as a way to make money then you’re not alone. Although many skilled tradesman such as plumbers or electricians, make use of a van; there are also ways to make money with a van that don’t require a lot of expertise or training. Below are the two most obvious ways you can make money when you have your own van as well as some information on the practical considerations of owning a van. Courier Working as a freelance courier is a very obvious way that you can start making money immediately when you have your own van. You can either choose to find your own clients or work as a freelancer for a major company. Finding your own clients can be tough when you’re first starting out so it’s a good idea to have a few connections before investing in a vehicle. Removals Removals is another type of work that you can do when you have your own van. The one downside to this type of work compared to deliveries is that you’ll probably need another person to help you and it’s only really suitable if you’re strong and in good physical shape since you’re likely to be moving a lot of heavy furniture around. Practical considerations When investing in your own van, you need to think about the practical considerations of owning such a vehicle. These include – Initial investment & running costs – Vans are generally quite expensive to buy and the running costs can soon add up. This is why most people will only buy a van if they know they’re able to make a decent living from it. Insurance – If you decide to work as a courier then you’ll need to get the right type of insurance policy from a site such as Insure the Courier. A good courier insurance policy will cover you for road risks as well as goods in transit and liability claims. Parking – In order to keep your van safe, you’ll certainly…

A Practical Guide to Buying & Selling Cars

March 29, 2017 - No Comments

If you’re passionate about cars then you’ve probably considered making money buying and selling them at one point. One of the great things about making a living buying and selling cars is that the barrier to entry is much lower than other types of careers in the motor trade. For example, if you wanted to set up an MOT garage then you’d need years of experience in working as a mechanic to do that successfully. However you can make a profit buying and selling cars with a small initial investment and the right know how. If you’re thinking of venturing into the world of buying and selling cars then below are some practical tips to help you succeed. Know the market This one is obvious. If you want to make a good profit buying and selling cars then you have to be able to spot a bargain. There are so many cars out there that you could choose to buy and sell; you need to know which are popular and the ones that you’re most likely to make a profit from. Many people who sell their car are looking for a quick sale and this presents a good opportunity for you to make money. The basic business principle of ‘buy low and sell high’ applies here. Try to look for vehicles that you can make the maximum amount of profit on. Know the law In order to buy and sell cars successfully you should also know the law very well. Most of it is fairly obvious and basic but it’s still worth looking through the requirements for buying or selling a car so you know that everything is above board. You should also know your legal rights if you’re sold a car that’s not as advertised. Sometimes you won’t be able to do anything about it, especially if that car is sold privately ‘as seen’ but if you’ve bought from a garage then there will likely be some guarantee in place that you can take advantage of. Get yourself covered When buying and selling cars, even if you’re doing it…

5 Great Ways for Car Owners to Save Money

January 23, 2017 - No Comments

Owning a car is more expensive now than ever. The rising cost of insurance and fuel means that many motorists are looking for any ways they can to make driving more affordable. Below are 5 great ways to do this. 1. Consider investing in an electric vehicle Investing in an electric car is one of the best ways to save money on the running costs associated with owning a car. Electric vehicles are much less expensive to run compared to a petrol or diesel car, meaning you can save a significant amount on fuel costs. Electric cars do cost more initially but the savings you make in the long term means they’re well worth the extra investment. Most electric cars also come with 2. Get the best deal on insurance possible Insurance is one of the biggest expenses associated with owning a car. The number of insurance scams and the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the road means that insurance costs are now higher than ever, to the point that many people are now simply not able to afford to drive a car. If you want to save money on car insurance then one of the best ways to do this is by getting as many quotes from different providers as possible. Making your car secure and parking it in a locked garage are also good ways to save money on insurance. You can also make your home more secure by getting blinds installed. You can get blinds for both windows and doors and doing this can make your home more secure and less likely to be targeted by thieves, including car thieves. If you’re looking for bifold door blinds, visit for more. 3. Cut out unnecessary journeys Many people view their car as a necessity rather than a luxury but there are many journeys that people make that could easily be done on foot. Taking this approach will allow you to save a significant amount of money on fuel and is also much healthier too. 4. Buy used rather than new If you’re in the market for a…